Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Plea for Help!

Hello Everyone,

  I know that we are still aways off from Brownsville Archaeology Month
in May, but the Mon/Yough Chapter for the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology is in desperate need of volunteers, members, and donations. At the present rate, the cost of insurance and the excavations cost over $1300. We need all of the help we can get to continue this project at the Snowdon Foundry. If you would like to join our club, the dues are $20 per year and we meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at California University Frich Hall Room #203. If you would like to donate to our organization so that we may keep educating the public about its rich heritage, please mail a check or money order to:

Mon-Yough Chapter #3
Carl Maurer Treasurer

45 Acheson Ave
Washington PA 15301

For information about our chapter and its activities, please contact me at:

Thank all of you for your continued support!

Marc Henshaw
President Mon-Yough Chapter #3